Oneness of humankind

„It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens.“

Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

Course of the Instituto Ruhi

Gain knowledge through your own insight, not your neighbor's.

The Ruhi Institute conducts courses and educational programs for different age groups, 

from the tender age of 5 or 6 to adulthood. 

Low-threshold, inclusive, free educational program in 85 languages

 for self-empowerment and motivation to positively contribute to making the world a better place. 

Entry possible at any time.

Every WEDNESDAY, 18:00 - 20:00 UHR at 
SHAERE • Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9 • 81737 München

Room 0A18

The Ruhi Institute

What is a Ruhi course?

People of different religions, backgrounds and ages come together to exchange ideas. People who can neither read nor write meet people who have already completed several courses of study on an equal footing and offer advice on an equal footing.

Shaere currently offers courses for participants aged 15 and over.

The Ruhi Institute is an educational institution that works under the direction of the National Spiritual Council of the Bahá'ís in Colombia and is dedicated to the development of human resources for the spiritual, social and cultural development of the Colombian people. However, the educational program developed there is universally applicable in all countries of the world.

The Ruhi books provide the direction, but each participant is responsible for shaping their own program. It is possible to join the course at any time and even occasional participation is enriching.

Each course begins with a prayer. Those who wish to do so say a prayer of their own faith. Book 1 of the Ruhi Institute is entitled "Reflecting on the Spiritual Life". It is available in 85 languages, minimizing comprehension problems due to language barriers.

Reflections on the Life of the Spirit

Any sense of unity that is fed by the shared identity of a group becomes the basis for competition with those who are perceived as "different".

The aim of this course is to take responsibility.

How can we help our friends, our neighbors, all the people we meet, to recognize their common identity as members of the one human family. Helping to build together spiritually and materially thriving societies that manifest unity in diversity.

Each people brings the best aspects of their culture to a broader societal interaction and puts them at the service of all. Aspects that are not accessible to the common good are discarded.

The Bahá'í Faith views the present state of humanity as a natural stage in an organic process that will eventually lead to the unity of humanity1 within a single social order.

The first book in the course sequence deals largely with the question of identity. What is the true identity of the "I" in the phrase "I walk a path of service"?

Arising to Serve

Your contributions in the various arenas where conversations about different social problems take place strengthen the collective capacity for meaningful dialog and help diverse actors achieve unity of thought and action.

The centrality you give to deliberation increases the capacity for collective truth-seeking, frees decision-making processes from contention and conflictual tendencies, and enables people from different backgrounds to overcome differences and harmonize perspectives.

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